FAQ and Details

General Questions

Q: What is Expanding Your Horizons (EYH)?

A: The Berkeley EYH is an annual career conference specially designed for students in grades 5 through 8 from local school districts. The conference encourages girls interested in STEM and provides positive female role models in science, math, and engineering careers. At EYH conferences students don’t just hear about science, they do science!

Q: What will I do at EYH?

A: You’ll participate in several workshops that will be taught by scientists, engineers, or other professionals and involve interactive instruction. Hands-on workshops include activities such as designing buildings and testing them in an earthquake, extracting your own DNA, and coding to write a digital song.  You’ll meet with female role models who work in a wide variety of science, technology, engineering and careers and hear their stories.  You’ll learn how fulfilling and exciting STEM careers can be and they begin to change their perceptions of the women who work in these careers.

Q: How can I get in touch with you if I have a question that’s not answered here?

A: Email eyhberkeleyinfo@gmail.com.


Q: When and where is the next Berkeley EYH conference?

A: Our 2025 conference will be held on April 12 on the UC Berkeley campus. Exact location details will be finalized in the coming months.

Q: When does registration open?

A: Registration is currently closed. Registration for next year’s conference will open in 2026.

Q: How do I register for the conference?

A: The preferred method of registration is online. After completing the registration process, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the next steps required to complete your registration process. You will receive your schedule with assigned workshops via email on the day of the conference.

Q: How much does it cost to attend?

A: Our conference is offered free to all attendees thanks to our crowdfunding supporters and sponsors. For those who are able and would like to support our conference, we offer the option of paying a $20 registration fee.

Q: What if I cannot afford the registration fee?

A: Scholarships are available.  Students will be able to request scholarships when they register.

Q: I paid for the conference but now cannot attend. Can I get a refund?

A: To request a refund, please send an email to eyhberkeleyinfo@gmail.com.

Q: Can I register even though I am not yet in 5th grade?

A: Due to space limitations and the popularity of the conference, we are forced to turn away students every year within the advertised grade group. The curriculum content is also specifically geared to this age group. Please come back when you’re within the age bracket!

Q: Is this conference wheelchair accessible?

A: All events taking place during our conference are fully wheelchair accessible.

Q: Do I need to pre-register to attend the adult program?

A: Yes, the adult program is limited. As with registration for students, registration for parents is done online. Information about our 2025 conference will be posted in the coming months.

Q: Where do I drop-off my student for check-in on the day of the event?

A: Registration will be located in the breezeway at the Genetics and Plant Biology Building on the UC Berkeley Campus. If you would like to drop your student(s) off, drop off will be in the West Circle.

Q: Is there a way I can be notified via email with information (e.g. registration dates) for next year’s conference?

A: Yes! You can receive information about our upcoming conference via email by subscribing to our parent email list. To subscribe, please send an email to eyhberkeleyinfo@gmail.com with the subject “Join EYH parent list” or fill out this form. You will receive an email to confirm your subscription. Be sure to click on the activation link to complete your subscription request or else you will not be successfully added. Questions regarding the list can also be addressed to eyhberkeleyinfo@gmail.com.